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Cold Lips | 300 words

(yandere merman x male captain reader)

There's a man between his legs that kisses cathedrals into his mouth. Cold hands caressing his sides, claw like nails digging in just a little deeper than they should but he didn't mind not when Caspian looked at him like that. Golden eyes raking across his entire body it was almost worth the consequences that will follow him. Almost.

(Y/n) let his hands wander more cautiously than his lovers, his calloused hands trailing soft skin and scales he didn't even know mer could shift into something more human. Teeth grazed his shoulder and he shudders and tries to hold back a laugh, he was considered undeafeatable and untouchable but here he unravels under the same very hands he hunts.

Another nip at his neck and their hips roll against each others, he's going to die here, his bed will be his graveyard. (Y/n) rushed forward kissing Caspian a little more desperate than the last.

Lightning strikes between them for a moment the resulting thunder settling in the mers chest this is what he wanted wasn't it? To have the Captain of The Cruel Sun beneath him, begging him? Sure his first fantasy was built on a bloody revenge but things change, people change they fall in love too. This was love wasn't it?

Caspian grips the Captain closer pinning him down by his hips, the mer leans forward gold meets (e/c). Yes. He thinks. This is love. The Captains body is fulled with dark mouth shaped bruises and bitemarks. Or mutilation. He ignores that thought choosing to trail his mouth down the Captains bare chest.

His head is between the Captains thighs now a glance towards the humans face shows he was somewhere else, eyebrows furrowed and mouth twisted downward. That won't work for him.